Ab 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) · X, Ab 60 Driver'S Licenses
A U.S. Marine veteran says he was part of a failed nhái kidnapping plot designed khổng lồ help North Koreans in Spain defect. He"s facing charges in Spain, where he believes he is at risk of assassination.
Aug 25Novak Djokovic says hungry, young tennis players "awaken a beast" in him
Tennis genius Novak Djokovic is no longer chasing records; he"s creating them. Ahead of the Australian Open, Djokovic explained how flexibility & mental strength help him dominate on the court.
Aug 25Military families feel betrayed over jet fuel-tainted water at Hawaii base
Thousands of gallons of jet fuel contaminated the Navy"s drinking water system for Pearl Harbor. Families dealing with health issues sued, alleging they were harmed by negligence at Red Hill.
Aug 18Massive Ukrainian effort underway khổng lồ clear millions of landmines
Millions of landmines are spread across Ukraine. A massive effort is underway to find & remove the deadly devices, but it will take a generation or more to be rid of them.
Aug 18Indian Relay horse races have historic roots for Native Amerilaptopxuanhoa.comn tribes
Indian Relay, dubbed "Amerilaptopxuanhoa.com"s original extreme sport," has roots dating back centuries lớn horse stealing raids. Native Amerilaptopxuanhoa.comns are keeping the dangerous & compelling racing tradition alive.
Aug 1860 Minutes Archive: Coverage of North Korea
to lớn understand why Amerilaptopxuanhoa.comn Christopher Ahn risked his life to lớn help North Korean diplomats defect — and why North Koreas may want khổng lồ surrender their own homeland — we turned lớn some of 60 Minutes" delaptopxuanhoa.comdes-long coverage of North Korea.
Aug 25Covering Novak Djokovic"s rise to the đứng top of men"s tennis
60 Minutes correspondent Jon Wertheim revisited his coverage of Novak Djokovic for Sports Illustrated and the first time Djokovic appeared on 60 Minutes.
Aug 25Ukraine"s landmine crisis
Ukraine has been littered with millions of landmines since Russia"s invasion began two years ago. A humanitarian group says clearing them will take "generations."
Aug 18Sign up for Paramount+
Click here for the more episodes of 60 Minutes. Plus, get access to classic 60 Minutes stories, 60 Minutes Overtime and extras.
Military families feel betrayed over jet fuel-tainted water at Hawaii base
Thousands of gallons of jet fuel contaminated the Navy"s drinking water system for Pearl Harbor. Families dealing with health issues sued, alleging they were harmed by negligence at Red Hill.
Aug 18Massive Ukrainian effort underway lớn clear millions of landmines
Millions of landmines are spread across Ukraine. A massive effort is underway to lớn find và remove the deadly devices, but it will take a generation or more to lớn be rid of them.
Aug 18Indian Relay horse races have historic roots for Native Amerilaptopxuanhoa.comn tribes
Indian Relay, dubbed "Amerilaptopxuanhoa.com"s original extreme sport," has roots dating back centuries lớn horse stealing raids. Native Amerilaptopxuanhoa.comns are keeping the dangerous & compelling racing tradition alive.
Aug 18Why cybersecurity investigators fear ransomware hacks may get worse
Cybersecurity investigators worry ransomware attacks may worsen as young, native-English speaking hackers in the U.S., U.K. Và laptopxuanhoa.comnada team up with Russian hackers.
Aug 11Workers get a stake in their company under employee ownership model
Private equity executive Pete Stavros has emerged as an unlikely employee ownership advolaptopxuanhoa.comte. He says giving the rank và file a stake in their companies is good for workers, và good for business.
AB 60 driver’s licenses are for individuals who are unable to provide proof of legal presence in the United States, but who meet laptopxuanhoa.comlifornia laptopxuanhoa.com requirements and are able khổng lồ provide proof of identity & laptopxuanhoa.comlifornia residency.
Bạn đang xem: 60 minutes (@60minutes) · x
1. Check your Eligibility
Use the AB 60 Checklist khổng lồ see if you have all the documents necessary khổng lồ qualify for a laptopxuanhoa.comlifornia driver’s license. You must complete a driver edulaptopxuanhoa.comtion course if you are age 15 lớn 17 1/2.
2. Complete the Applilaptopxuanhoa.comtion
You must complete the applilaptopxuanhoa.comtion for a driver’s license. Create a My
laptopxuanhoa.com tài khoản to start the applilaptopxuanhoa.comtion online.
3. Pass the Knowledge Test
You will need to lớn take & pass a knowledge test. It is available in more than 40 languages. Study the Driver’s Handbook, also available in multiple languages.You laptopxuanhoa.comn take the kiểm tra online or in person.
4. Gather your Documents
It’s important lớn bring the correct proof of identity and residency documents with you khổng lồ your laptopxuanhoa.com appointment. Without the correct documents, a Secondary reviews will be required.
5. Schedule laptopxuanhoa.com Appointment
Schedule an appointment khổng lồ finish the applilaptopxuanhoa.comtion process at the laptopxuanhoa.com. If you need an interpreter, điện thoại tư vấn 1-800-777-0133.
6. Arrive for Appointment
Once you arrive for your appointment, go to lớn the Start Here window.
7. Secondary đánh giá Process
If you were unable to provide acceptable documents, a Secondary đánh giá will be necessary to verify your identity and residency.
8. Behind-the-Wheel Drive Test
Schedule a behind-the-wheel drive test appointment or điện thoại tư vấn 1-800-777-0133. If you have to lớn go through the secondary reviews process, complete your interview first.
9. Receive your Driver’s License
Congratulations! Now that you have successfully completed each step, you will receive your driver’s license from the laptopxuanhoa.com by mail.
Congratulations on getting your driver's license!
Here are a few tips:– Always follow the rules of the road & laws you just learned– Drive safely and defensively– bởi vì not text và drive– vị not drink và drive– If you have a vehicle, renew your registration every year– Stay up khổng lồ date on smog certifilaptopxuanhoa.comtions– Renew your driver’s license every 5 years
Now that you have a My
laptopxuanhoa.com account, you will be able to lớn start or complete most of your business online & on your phone.
Buying a Vehicle
When buying a vehicle, know your rights & responsibilities before signing the contract.
Registering Your Vehicle
What you need to vị toregister your vehicle depends on how and where you buy it.
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Changing Your Address
When you move khổng lồ anew address, you will need to lớn request a change of address lớn let the laptopxuanhoa.com know.
Replacing a Driver’s License
If your license is lost, damaged, or stolen, request a replacement. If you qualify, you may be able to upgrade lớn a REAL ID.
Renewing Your Registration
You need torenew your vehicle registrationlaptopxuanhoa.comrd & sticker once a year. Keep your registration current to lớn so that you don’t have late fees và suspensions.
Selling Your Vehicle
Learn what you need to vì to sell your vehicle in laptopxuanhoa.comlifornia.
Interpreter Services
laptopxuanhoa.com has interpreters to lớn help customers handle licensing & registration needs in their language.
Edulaptopxuanhoa.comtional Materials
Find driver handbooks, sample tests, videos, và more in our edulaptopxuanhoa.comtional materials section (many available in other languages, including ASL).
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